Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 3 – One Step at a Time

Last week I believe I did a little too much, before going back to work. I shopped for items to redecorate my bedroom including drapes, straighten up the house, and pulled out my winter clothes so that I would have sweaters to wear to work.

My week day is a long one. My work hours are from 10:00am to 7:00pm. So Monday when I went back to work, I was up early and ready to go. Arrived at work happy and excited to see some of my coworkers and chatted briefly about how I was doing.

I’ve always considered myself a powerhouse, and push myself to my limits. Monday I was going about the day as if I was 100% back in business. Then I started to slow down. I took a 45 minute nap in my car during my lunch hour and still tried to convince myself that the day was progressing nicely and until it hit me. By 5pm I felt like crap and it took all that was in me to muster up enough energy to make it to the 7pm hour.

My drive to and from work is only about 15 minutes, so when I arrived home all I could do was take off my shoes and lay across the bed.

So after speaking with my surgeon’s office; Tuesday until next week Friday I will be on a part-time work schedule of 4 hours a day. This was a great lesson in learning to pace myself and take it one step at a time.

My daughter just called while I was typing this blog entry, to tell me that she is so excited about her new exercise class and can’t wait until I am feeling better, so that I can go to her new kick boxing class with her...crunches, ab workout, stretching, kicking, etc…that allows you to burn 800 – 900 calorie in an hour class……Good Golly Miss Molly!!!!!!!!!!! As excited as she is, we both realize that I won’t probably be able to attend the class with her until around January.

Thank the Lord!!!!!!!!!


  1. It is good to hear about your journey / how did meals work for you wile you were at work was it more difficult than when you were at home? how did you do with your weight loss last week? kuwalli

  2. How You Doin'? ~ kuwalli

  3. I am looking forward to week #5 ~ kuwalli


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