Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day 5 My First Full Day at Home

Its 6:15am I’m barely awake trying to position myself in the bed, so that I’m more comfortable; BAD MOVE. I’ve been sleeping since around 1:45am and forgot to set my alarm to wake up for my medication and walk.

The walks help tremendously, and even though I was within my 4 hours of taking my meds, I missed my 2 hour required walk, so when I attempted to move from the position I has been sleeping in for several hours, the pain was so intense I was afraid to move again.

Talk about excruciating; let me say it again EXCRUSIATING!! When I went to swing my legs to the side of the bed, so that I could get up. WOW!!! OMG!!!Good Golly Miss Molly!!! I felt as though I was on a stretching rack with someone trying to detach my legs from my body. Pain shot through my lower back like lightning and the sound that came out of my mouth probably woke up half the neighborhood.

Once I managed to get out of the bed, and stand upright two thoughts came to mind; pain medication and movement. I sipped on my meds and proceeded to walk through my house in the dark pledging to myself not to miss scheduled walks or medication times.

I checked my sugar levels and was excited to find out that they are decreasing. I did my breathing exercises, drank water and started my day.

I can see now that I am going to have to develop a schedule and stick with it until I adapt to my new life style. When to eat and what to eat. When to walk, how long to walk, when to take meds, when to test my sugar level, etc…

As I come to the close of my day I can say that today I did a lot of sleeping, reading, computer work and watching television. I completed my walking, breathing exercises and worked on following my new food plan. It’s really not difficult; the most challenging part is remembering to sip and not drink and taking an hour to eat 2 oz of food…really 2oz are 2 normal bites. The good thing is I haven’t been nauseated nor have I experienced any other pain beside the mild soreness from surgery.

Staying home and resting was key; I spent more time going to the bathroom today, even though several attempts where false alarms. My pain level is 4-3 so I was able to decrease the amount of pain medication I took today. I’m on my way to bed now, setting my alarm to get up and walk. My doctor stressed the importance of walking because patients are susceptible to developing blood clots for up to 6 months after having bariatric surgery.

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