Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Week 16 - Sassy, Classy and Oh So GASSY!

Four (4) months later and I am 55lbs lighter, 4 dress sizes smaller, and much healthier & happier.

I am grateful for so many reasons. I am grateful that I am creating a life that I love to live. Of course there are those mornings that I have to drag myself out of bed to go to work, but I am grateful that I have a job to go to.

There are those days that my teenage daughter has tapped danced on my last nerve but I am grateful that I have matured and can find calmness in God.

My love for food is still there, I just can't eat food the way I want to. My taste buds have changed. My ability to digest certain foods is still developing. I haven't been able to keep much meat down. I do okay with salads with a little tuna, shrimp and crab meat. My desire to have and eat good old soul food is a thing of the past. I don't crave it, and really when I begin to think about how it was prepared in many cases it's not worth me taking the chance to eat it...'cause I know what will happen...I'll be on Bathroom Patrol.

I have become one of "THEM", the protein bar eating, water bottle carring, protein drinking, going to the gym people. I am up at the crack of dawn (although that has always been the case) rushing off to the gym to go swimming; not because I really want to and like to, but because I am working on not developing excess skin.

Not eating enough protein causes me to be sluggish. Getting my nutrients is daily focus, but it seems everything that I manage to consume; the drinks and bar leave me soooooooo GASSY.



1 comment:

  1. almost two months have gone by and not a word from you; are you ok? ~ kuwalli


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